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Stay In The Know:

Mother 2 be <3

I knew that 2018 was going to be a significant year, but I didn’t know why until a few months ago. As most of you may know, I am eagerly expecting the arrival of a beautiful baby boy this coming November! I found out very early on and before I even took the test I knew it was going to come up positive. Not because of early pregnancy symptoms or because of my missing period, but because God told me through a numeric sign. It probably sounds really silly to some people, but numbers and patterns that are revealed to you in life sometimes can be interpreted as signs from God about your life. Sort of like how certain numbers have a meaning to most people like repeating numbers especially (777 is a godly number and means completion, 222 a positive confirmation number, etc). Certain numbers and patterns have significance to me and this is how God showed me that it was my time to have a child. It’s funny because I have never had a legitimate pregnancy scare. For the most part, my periods are pretty regular. I thought maybe I couldn't have kids or that I was immune and it just wasn't meant to be. The latest I’ve ever been was about 12 days and that was back when I was in high school. I decided to take a pregnancy test at 8 days late and it came up positive. But what actually made me go to the drug store to buy a test was the fact that I noticed on my period tracking app one of my special number combinations appearing circled on my second ovulation day (the 12th day in my cycle) and it was also the 21st of that month- 1221 is one of my numbers and it was that day that my son was conceived. I wasn’t freaked out at all or nervous when it dawned on me either. It was just like I knew what it was and I accepted it so easily as if I knew that it was to be written that way in the stars or the Book of Life if you will. I mean obviously, yeah that’s how you have to look at it because you don’t really have any other choice (I don't believe in abortion). But it just seemed right and I really started to look at the idea of becoming a mother and taking up that journey as nothing but a blessing in disguise. A blessing that was appointed or bestowed to me and it’s something that I am willing to take up as a part of my purpose.

But on an even lighter note, I am excited to be a Scorpio having a Scorpio. It’s all so excessively coincidental that it could not be a mistake or a coincidence at all.

I am simply working and preparing for my little one to arrive. A lot of things are changing with me physically and mentally. I didn’t have a mother. And, I have always feared being a mother because I felt like due to the lack I had as I grew up, I may be missing some of the motherly instincts that would come with the experience of having a mom as you grew and developed into yourself. But at this point I have came to the conclusion that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle and I want to live by faith. I feel like maybe this is my chance to fix what was broken in a way. Everything I do now is for my child.

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