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Stay In The Know:

New Years Revelations

First off let me just say: Happy New Year!!! I know it's already a full week in, but I have a life so bare with me (lol). I know that celebrating the new year is a big tradition we have, but I would like to just briefly touch on the topic and then share some of my personal opinions/thoughts on the year of 2018. I hope you all had a wonderful New Years and are ready to seize 2018! 

I honestly didn't plan or do anything special on New Years this past week. Me and my boyfriend both had nothing in mind- I had work that day and once I finally got off the sun was already down. It wasn't until some of my coworkers asked me about my plans for the night and sharing their own that I decided to maybe see if Cody wanted to do anything fun. We ended up going to the movie theater down the street to see the new Jumanji. So basically I went into the new year watching a movie with my boyfriend. Oh! And we went to dinner before that (I have a terrible memory). We had a great time- don't get me wrong but there's something about this new year that doesn't seem like such a tremendous deal as we used to make of it.

I have been coming across a lot of new and intriguing information; you could say I am on a path of discovery and enlightenment right now. But the point that I really want to make is that our world is already in the process of a great shift- even bigger than the turn of the New Year. In addition, time is not real. It is literally a man made construct that helps us understand our reality, but it is not our reality. At this point I feel like time is just a tool to control us. We set up our entire lives around months and minutes. I know me personally- I can sometimes feel the seconds ticking in my head when I'm working or if I am stressing about getting some adulting things done. It's all in my mind and for those of you who also experience symptoms of anxiety may be able to relate. But this is only due to the fact that we as humans have developed a way to measure some thing that does not even exist in order to make our lives more complicated. I'm not saying that you should turn off your alarm clocks and be a night owl... But don't let time make you who you are. All we have is now and that is all we have ever had. 

With that being said, yes it is a new year and I am grateful to have the opportunity to see 2018. But keep in mind you don't need it to be January 1st to put the pep in your step to make a change for the better. This year hasn't made much of an impression on me just yet- kind of like how it feels when you turn 17 and it doesn't feel much different or significant from 16. Every day is a new day and a new you if you want it to be. Your body is making brand new cells every day as your old ones die. This happens with or without you and whether you measure the time or not.

I haven't gotten around to writing my resolutions yet as I am still working on a lot of things that I have been since 2017, but feel free to leave a comment below about your New Years and any resolutions you are excited about! I think I want to share a list of New Years Revelations instead:

1. Time isn't real 

2. Talking to yourself is a good thing 

3. We are all born as an original blessing

4. God is already in you

5. The Earth is flat

6. The world is yours (and everyone else's because it's God's)

7. Meditation is key

8. The government is feeding us poison and lies

9. We are all connected

10. We all come from the light

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