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Stay In The Know:

"The Right People"

I don't know why I thought about this today, but I was just pondering over this saying that's pretty common about having to know or meet the "right" people in order to have a healthy circle and stay on track to success. Which usually leads you to wonder- how do I get in with these people and how are they identified? It seems so challenging to figure out how to make connections with "the right people". But it's not difficult at all to run into the wrong ones. The wrong people are any and everywhere. How do we find the right ones?

You can tell a person by the fruit they bare. For instance, a person you may want to connect with may have benefits that you are looking to acquire or opportunities at their disposal. This could be just as simple as money or complex as having their own business or networking connections. You should gravitate towards the things you want in life. Reach out to those who inspire you and try to pick up on any and everything they do that works for them. They may also be able to give you advice or help steer you in the right direction. Although, their struggle may not be exactly as yours, they will have more insight into the realm you are wanting to be apart of and will be able to push you to keep your head up in the face of challenges. They say you are who and what you surround yourself with. Look around you, and if you don't like what you see, I would suggest to get a move on!

Just like how you can tell a person is right by their good fruits (results of their work)- you can identify those not-so-great influences by observing their fruits as well (or lack thereof). For example, if your friends all don't have jobs and are shallow-minded (or immature/unmotivated) in their day to day concerns, perhaps you may feel a sense of lack due to their influence.

This doesn't go to say that you must drop all your unsuccessful or unmotivated friends, but rather, you may need to re-evaluate how you distribute your own precious time and be more involved in what you allow to influence you or enter your realm. If after this evaluation you feel as if some changes are needed... I would suggest putting forth the effort to better yourself sooner rather than later. The last thing you want to do is find yourself stuck in a sea of lack due to getting too comfortable with spending time with the wrong people instead of questing for all the right things.

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