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Dark Place

by E.A. Spain

I believe that some of the best art

Comes from a dark place

Not sure what I look like in your eyes,

But clouds inhabit my space

It’s been some time since I felt the heat

And the walls closing in are cold and bleak


Every time that I arise and look up to the morn,

All I find is leery signs and others of forlorn

I was ravished by the wind

And beaten by the rain

I had given it my all and still had nothing to gain


I found peace and I’ve lost it before

He showed me the truth and I’ve only craved more

I found peace once by the pond

With the bees circling in the valley

But even that dissolved once we strolled into saturated alley


Well where did I go?

Where did he lead me?

If I had the chance to tell you...

You wouldn’t believe me


I was ravished by the wind

And washed down with the rain

I know how hard work is to bring success

But all that love results in, is pain

I know that every time is different

But you’re always left feeling the same

With no one else but you and yourself to blame

Alone in the well is where I was left to wither and wane

I hope they’ll be coming for me finally

As I can now feel the pressure

But the light in me is reminding...

That it is the only thing that holds me together

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